Monday, January 18, 2010

Bugger Off

I remember learning in school that the ancient Egyptians used to shave off their eyebrows to mourn the dead. I thought it was an odd way to honor the dead, I couldn't piece together what missing eyebrows and death had in common.

It just struck me that it was a very obvious way to tell people "Bugger off!" And when you burst into tears for no apparent reason in public, there is no need to wonder.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sitting Underneath the Cherry Tree, Part II

Yet again, racial and religious tension rears its ugly head. Malaysian Muslims are angered by the use of the word "Allah" by a Christian publication translating the word "God" into Bahasa Malaysia.

Certainly, the term "Allah", even to me (with my Malaysian Christian upbringing), is associated with Islam. The Christian claims to "Allah" struck me as bizzare. I could certainly understand the consternation of the Muslim community when faced with this unfamiliar utilization of such a sacred word.

However, after some reading, I discovered that "Allah" has been widely used in the Middle East, Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia (notably in East Malaysia) denoting the Christian God. Furthermore, for the fidelity of translation (whether in a religious or literary perspective), scholars conclude that the term "Allah" is indeed more accurate than the alternative suggestion of "Tuhan".

It is hard to say how this matter will be settled. It is definitely disheartening to see so much anger, prejudice and ignorance (from both sides of the argument) cloud a reasonable discussion to a satisfying conclusion. I am not even sure if a satisfying conclusion can be met without either side feeling compromised.

If we can all just set aside our differences and instead focus on our commonalities. It reminds me of past days, when without consideration of creed or colour, friends could sit underneath the cherry tree and play.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome 2010!

2009 was a whirlwind!

Overall grade for 2009: B+

I got quite a lot done academically, but unfortunately, I am quite burnt out at this point. Lately, I've been quite demotivated, even depressed, at work: I am that person in the Cymbalta commercial (only at work though!) I can't get myself to do as much as I used to. I really hope for this to change: I am approaching the last stretch, I just need to keep on going going going! There are things that are beyond my control at work and all I can do is work my best, be a good co-worker and scientist and love what I do. I cannot control the attitudes of those around (or above) me.

Otherwise, life is quite lovely. I had a short but wonderful three week break in Malaysia punctuated by a lovely hillside retreat in Cameron Highlands and a sunny beach getaway in Langkawi with family and friends. I have great friends to hang out with right here. I've definitely made it a point to take breaks from work, whether it is weekend getaways (a few), a weekend out with the buddies or to just chill out at home. I've started watching TV on Hulu and playing the piano again!

Life lesson re-learnt this year: Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away. (i.e. Don't work so much!)

Happy New Year everyone!

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Mystery of the Missing Birthday Package

Dear USPS,

I sent a birthday package to my one and only sister two weeks ago only for her to tell me it had just arrived today. It was cleanly slit open with all its contents missing, simply labeled, "damaged in handling". I dropped off the package personally during off-hours at the USPS in Amherst, NY (Located at 5500 North Bailey Ave.). I bought adequate postage using the APC at the entrance before entrusting it in your hands through the big mail bin. Alas, I did not purchase the insurance or tracking services which you kindly (and unfortunately, necessarily) provide.

This package contained a blouse (worth $49.00), chopsticks sets (~ $4.00) a tea infuser thingamajig (~$5.00) a birthday card (~$2.00) and lots of love (priceless). I do understand that things get damaged during handling, but this looks like thievery to me. I hope you do the right thing.

A disappointed patron,
Melissa Lee.